Writing contests, writing groups and clubs, writing friends
and buddies! It is the sauce that flavors my world. So what contest am I
currently working on? Well, I’m glad you asked.
One of the groups I belong to is FaithWriters. Every year
they have a novel contest. One year it’s fiction, and one year it’s non-fiction.
This is non-fiction year. I’m not much on writing non-fiction. I picture
non-fiction as memoirs – and you better have an unusual, interesting life to
write your memoirs or autobiography – or devotional books or self-help books.
I do, however, have an idea for a non-fiction entry for this
year’s contest. I worked at Teen Challenge for nineteen years – Greater Phoenix
Teen Challenge to clarify since there are several hundred in the world. I
thought it was the most exciting, most fulfilling job in the world.
Imagine having a ministry in the heart of a major
metropolis, and the type people that are drawn to the haven of such a ministry.
It certainly made for interesting stories. And I’ve got plenty of those
stories. Not only was it interesting, but I met some of the most awesome people
in the world.
I’ve worked alongside
the salt of the earth, some men and women whom God delivered from the clutches of drug and alcohol use. Unfortunately, I've also witnessed the tragedy of those who
walked away from God after being delivered and set them free.
Now, my dilemma is who to mention and who not to mention. I’m
sure I’ll step on toes because I don’t mention them. It’s not intentional. And
as for those in the ministry who failed big time, I will not go into that.
Theirs is not my story to tell, and besides, who truly knows the heart and mind
of a person except that person and God.
Onward, with the writing of this book. So far, I’m having so
much fun doing it.