Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year's Resolutions: Bah humbug!

So here I am, the 5th day into this new year of 2015. As usual this time of year, my thoughts go to New Year Resolutions. I love making them, setting goals and plans, dreaming of something more for me and my loved ones, determined to accomplish more. Always declaring: This will be my year!

I want 2015 to be my year!

Alas, life always gets in my way and thwarts my noble intentions. Every single year! Oh, and I do get distracted so easily. Sidetracked! Knocked off the path! It's like I have dual personalities. One is named Want-ita. She wants to do certain things - follow the to-do list, pursue goals and passions. The other is Looky-lou. She says, "Looky, need to do this instead." And Want-ita and Looky-lou are polar opposites, pulling me in different directions. I should create a new character.  After all, I AM a writer. I'll call her Lou-ita. She'll (I'll) be as perfect as possible in her/my flawed and imperfect humanity.

My 2015 resolutions follow the same trend as many years: read my Bible more and pray more, lose weight and exercise more, embrace a healthier lifestyle. But this year I feel that embracing a healthier lifestyle is a must. I'm not young. I need more energy. I felt like I had to drag myself around last year. I need to stay medically as healthy as possible. I NEED to do this. So I am going to be determined this year to accomplish this.

In 2014, I felt stagnant with my writing. I had ideas, plenty of ideas, but no motivation. When I did write, I forced it. There wasn't any joy or pleasure in it. That has got to change this year. I want it to change. I am praying for fresh passion and motivation.

I have many "wants" for 2015. I want my son to be delivered from alcohol and quit sucking life from all of us with his self-centered drama. I want all of my family to serve Christ. I want to pay off some nagging debt. I want to be so consumed with Christ that the troubles of life pale in comparison.

Life rolls on, folks. You can roll with it or let it roll over you. Me: I'll get my skates and roll on. Or I'll let Lou-ita do that. But let's all declare to do everything within our power to make 2015 our year!

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