Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Lies, Truth, and Half-truths

Definition of FICTION. 1. a: something invented by the imagination or feigned; specifically: an invented story . b: fictitious literature (as novels or short stories)

Fiction writers lie. The things they write aren’t true, although it could represent true things and events. Even as a child, I understood the fiction books I read weren't true. However, in my youthful innocence, I always thought that what you read in newspapers and heard on the news is true. Isn’t it the responsibility for news reporters and journalist to report truth?

Now, I’m older, wiser, and I don’t trust the media much! Half-truths, twisted truth, things taken out of context, manipulated truth – all of these are basically a form of lying. It leads people to believe something that isn’t truth, or at least, only a partial truth..

Several years ago, I read an article, an interview with David Aikman. It was featured in the magazine, the Pentecostal Evangel. David Aikman is an award-winning print and broadcast journalist, a best-selling author, and a foreign affairs commentator. You can google his name for a complete bio.

One thing he said in his interview struck me as so profound. “The advantage a Christian has in being a reporter is threefold: to believe there is such a thing as truth, to understand human nature is made in the image of God but is still flawed, and to know that God always wants the truth to be told.”

I write fiction, specifically Christian romantic fiction. My characters are fictional. I do, however, strive to portray a basic truth in my fiction writing. It is this: God is real, He cares about humanity with a depth of love we can’t comprehend, He takes flawed and broken people and transforms their lives, He is faithful in the midst of chaos and crises.

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